Being Happy and Human in Today’s Workforce

Do you ever find yourself pondering success? What it looks like and wondering how far to go to achieve it? I have thought about this most of my adult life. What does success look like to you? I’ve learned that we all have our own ideas about what success is.

Close your eyes. Think of the people who have been your role models for success. Do you think of them as being peaceful and authentic, too? Several of my early role models didn’t seem content. They also seemed to be a different person at work than they were outside of work.

I’ve learned some lessons in my life so far that lead me to believe that:

Being happy + Being human = Success

I like to think of the state of being happy and human as a place full of fellowship, positive mental health and extraordinary impact with individuals who are vulnerable with themselves and one another.

Today’s workforce wants to be happy and human and doing so will drive greater success. It’s taken me a long time to observe what I believe gets us there. I believe the following actions create workplaces filled with happy people who have permission to be their whole selves. People who do these things, in my opinion, tend to make up the happiest and purely human workplaces.

I’ve boiled it down to three things:

1.    Know Who You Are

2.    Complete Your Community

3. Live Deliberately

Know Who You Are

Knowing my personal values and applying them in life and in the workplace is important.   

Who are you? One of my favorite interviewers is Dan Rather and he asks this of all his guests. I love this question because to answer it means that you must do some serious soul searching.

The best work you can do for yourself is to explore your own ideals and beliefs and discover who you are. If you haven’t given yourself space to do it, you should. Once you know, you will look at everything in life through this lens. It will elevate your professional and personal experience; you will make all decisions based on it.

Know who you are. It’s your own individual strategic framework and set of non-negotiables. Authentically you. No apologies.

Complete Your Community

Community is everything. And by “community”, I don’t mean the neighborhood where you live. I mean the folks with whom you share common interests, passions and goals.

“Complete your community” means acknowledging your strengths and areas for improvement and honoring those of your coworkers. We are all different and unique. We work differently and have different perspectives and talents to add. Providing the right community and supportive environment in the workplace, where we nurture others will lead to the outcome that we all succeed. Share your expertise and seek the advice of others. Celebrate differences, don’t just tolerate them.  

Complete your community. Your strengths can complete another’s gaps. And the reverse is true, too.

Live Deliberately

Having a purpose, especially a shared purpose as successful companies do, provides meaning to our work and drives us to do something extraordinary. But living deliberately is not only about being jazzed about the mission and vision of your employer, it’s about having personal convictions on how you impact this world. What actions are you taking every day to positively impact something or someone? Are you being deliberate with how you gift your time and talents? I believe this purpose and meaning drives our happiness. And when you align your passions as a human being to your workplace passions, then you will be the best you can be.

Live Deliberately. Have a purpose. Do something impactful.

Today’s employer expects a lot from its employees. Whether you are an employee, manager or owner of a company, you can be successful and have an amazingly happy and human workplace. Take time to know who you are, complete your community and live deliberately. Nurture these principles within your workplace and among your teams.

You’ll experience a harmony between your personal and professional self you never thought possible.


Integrity and being happy and human in today’s workplace


Enterprise Social Media: Part 1